Have you ever had a dispute with a bank about interest or a fee or for not meeting the terms of a bank promotion? Have you ever had an issue with a credit card company or a credit bureau? Have you ever had a consumer financial dispute in general?
If you answered yes to any of these questions than this article is for you. The CFPB has a website whereby you can go ahead and issue complaints against banks, credit card companies, credit bureaus, and other financial institutions. The good news is that these complaints don't just get sent to some database but they are sent back to the corporations and the corporations are concerned about the CFPB taking adverse action against them. As a result many times they will resolve your issue after you complain with the CFPB. I have personally gotten airlines miles that were part of a bank promotion given to me as well as a $500 bank bonus given to me that I believe I was owed by issuing a complaint with the CFPB. The process is simple to complete. I would recommend that you first call the corporations and try to have your matter settled by phone before you submit a CFPB complaint.